
As a recipient of a Hudson River Estuary Program Grant from NYSDEC, Vassar College has undertaken a Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) Master Plan for the Vassar Barns property and development ...

SGB conducted and analyzed intercept surveys on issues of concern within the Route 9W corridor, documented existing bicycle/pedestrian conditions within the study area and is developing bicycle/pedestrian safety recommendations....

SGB worked with local stakeholders to develop a new bicycle master plan for Princeton, New Jersey. She developed a vision statement and goals for the plan, along with guiding community and stakeholder input via focus groups and workshops to help identify a priority bikeway network....

Dr. Blickstein led Chatham Borough's effort to update their Master Plan with an emphasis on community and stakeholder input....

This project focuses on metropolitan New Jersey and involves both research and applied improvement concepts to better understand both environmental and behavioral factors that increase pedestrian collision risk around bus stops...

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