Policy & Research

As a recipient of a Hudson River Estuary Program Grant from NYSDEC, Vassar College has undertaken a Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) Master Plan for the Vassar Barns property and development ...

Susan G. Blickstein worked with Rutgers University's Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center (VTC) to conduct focus groups that explore the effects of crime and perceptions of safety on walking behavior of men and women....

SGB, in tandem with Rutgers University's Voorhees Transportation Center, conducted a series of focus groups with minority women in several NJ communities to better understand the barriers to cycling and perceptions of cycling for Black and Latina women....

As a subconsultant and technical expert working closely with the RBA Group on this fast-tracked project, SGB carried out a variety of stakeholder outreach efforts for the State's first Bicycle Safety Action Plan. ...

Dr. Blickstein worked with Planning Board members, stakeholders and the public to prepare an amendment to the Borough’s Land Use Element to address downtown revitalization opportunities, to promote sustainability and to better integrate transportation and land use ...

Dr. Blickstein worked closely with the Borough Complete Streets Committee to prepare a policy and a planning document to guide implementation of complete streets within the Borough. ...

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