Author: susanblick

SGB worked with local stakeholders to develop a new bicycle master plan for Princeton, New Jersey. She developed a vision statement and goals for the plan, along with guiding community and stakeholder input via focus groups and workshops to help identify a priority bikeway network....

Dr. Blickstein led Chatham Borough's effort to update their Master Plan with an emphasis on community and stakeholder input....

This project focuses on metropolitan New Jersey and involves both research and applied improvement concepts to better understand both environmental and behavioral factors that increase pedestrian collision risk around bus stops...

Dr. Blickstein has worked closely with Chatham Borough to craft a vision/master plan and zoning tools to support revitalization of the Borough's industrial areas along the Passaic River as a pedestrian-friendly, multi-modal gateway into the community....

Dr. Blickstein worked with Planning Board members, stakeholders and the public to prepare an amendment to the Borough’s Land Use Element to address downtown revitalization opportunities, to promote sustainability and to better integrate transportation and land use ...

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